Icon | Meaning | Technical Definition |
| Clear | Total cloud cover less than 20% |
| Partly Cloudy | Total cloud cover between 20%-60% |
| Cloudy | Total cloud cover between 60%-80% |
| Very Cloudy | Total cloud cover over over 80% |
| Foggy | Relative humidity over 90% with total cloud cover less than 60% |
| Light rain or showers | Precipitation rate less than 4mm/hr with cloud cover more than 80% |
| Occasional showers | Precipitation rate less than 4mm/hr with cloud cover between 60%-80% |
| Isolated showers | Precipitation rate less than 4mm/hr less than 60% |
| Light or occasional snow | Precipitation rate less than 4mm/hr |
| Rain | Precipitation rate over 4mm/hr |
| Snow | Precipitation rate over 4mm/hr |
| Mixed | Precipitation type to be ice pellets or freezing rain |
| Thunderstorm possible | Lifted Index less than -5 with precipitation rate below 4mm/hr |
| Thunderstorm | Lifted Index less than -5 with precipitation rate over 4mm/hr |
| Windy | Sustained wind speed over 10.8m/s (force 6 or above)